Saturday, 20 July 2013

Set Python Environment Variable - Windows 7

Unlike when you install ruby, when you install python on windows 7 the environment variable is not set. This means that you will have to put the full path of your python installation in to the command line to execute any commands.

To set the path of your python installation in an environment variable follow these steps:

click the start buttong

right click computer and select properties

click "advanced system settings" on the left

the system properties windows should open

make sure the "advanced" tab is selected

click the environment variables button at the bottom of the tab

you will see a window open split in to 2 windows "user and system variables"

click new on the top one (user variables)

click new and enter "Path" as the variable name

"C:\Python26;C:\Python26\DLLs;C:\Python26\Lib;C:\Python26\Lib\lib-tk" (without the quotes) for variable value

switch the path to wherever your python installation is. done, reopen the command prompt and when you type python you should see details of the installed version.


Sunday, 7 July 2013

Find out which processes are running, and what software is making out-going connections from your PC

Right click start bar -> Start Task Manager -> Select Performance Tab -> Click the "Resource Monitor" button at the bottom

In the Resource monitor, click the Overview Tab

This shows all running processes in the CPU section

All network connections are show in the Network tab

Now, in your in terminal: (start -> run -> type "cmd" hit enter)

in one window type: netstat -abfo 5

in another window, type: tasklist /svc

now correlate that info with the resource monitor, hit google for any unknown or suspicious signs, and you should finish up knowing a lot more about whats happening on your pc :)

Friday, 5 July 2013

windows equivalent of linux alias - windows tip

When using command line anywhere in windows


doskey cdapp=cd c:\somedir\myapp\xyz

ie: dokey shortcutname=any command you want

then when you type shortcutname, the command will execute

to list all your shortcuts (macros, aliases, snippets) whatever

type doskey /macros

to delete one type
doskey shortcutname=

ie put the shortcut name followed by =
